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Leveraging AI for Diversity and Inclusion to Boost Business Growth/ai-insights/leveraging-ai-for-diversity-and-inclusion-to-boost-business-growth

Leveraging AI for Diversity and Inclusion to Boost Business Growth

February 05, 2024

Leveraging AI for Diversity and Inclusion to Boost Business Growth

The concept of Diversity and Inclusion within organizations has been long rooted in our society. Over the years, the concept of Diversity and Inclusion has changed rapidly which has led to a higher level of friendliness, creativity, innovation, and a pleasant working environment in the companies. With increased globalization and heavy imports and exports of the workforce, it has become important for all business leaders to maintain a clean environment so that employees from various parts of the globe remain motivated, and encouraged to work to their full potential.

Even after huge awareness, diversity and inclusion are still not effectively implemented in a large number of organizations. With the advancement in technologies, especially AI technology, Diversity and Inclusion have seen a new face. It has helped organizations in a number of ways to mitigate the challenges that hinder D&I. Let’s explore how different organizations can leverage AI to boost their business growth.

What is Diversity and Inclusion?

A study from McKinsey reported the top companies known for ethnic and cultural diversity have seen 36% more profit than less diverse organizations. Another report from LinkedIn Learning mentions that companies with a DEI team are 22% more likely to be seen as an industry leader and 12% more likely to be seen as an inclusive workplace.

So, what is this concept of Diversity and Inclusion that has the ability to boost an organization’s performance? Diversity refers to the variety of human experiences, backgrounds, and identities such as different races, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, etc. Inclusion refers to the creation of a culture where everyone feels a sense of belongingness and opportunity to thrive by removing barriers and creating equal access to opportunities, resources, and support.

The importance of Diversity and Inclusion in an organization can never be ignored if a proper work environment is the aim.

Different ways AI can help in establishing Diversity and Inclusion

AI technology can play a great role in bringing Diversity and Inclusion into place. Here are some ways organizations can use AI to do that.

AI acts as a Fairness Lens by eliminating bias

The biggest challenge for D&I in the organization is unconscious bias. According to PwC, only 12% of employees feel their organization is effective at addressing unconscious bias. This means the recruiters, business leaders, or AI leaders use their inherent preferences in making decisions often without their awareness. Thus, it hampers recruitment, performance evaluation, and promotions, and may give rise to inequality.

However, with the use of AI the fairness lens, a large data for hidden biases can be analyzed ultimately helping in eliminating these biases.

Build Diverse Workforce

Now there are several AI tools available that can help in unbiased recruitment by mitigating factors like subjective criteria and limited networks. Here are some ways AI helps in bringing D&I recruitment:

  • AI scans job descriptions and advertisements that might contain biased language and provides alternatives that can help attract a large talent pool
  • Shortlisting resumes solely based on skills and experience and thus removing discriminatory factors like names, schools, etc.
  • Match candidates to the right jobs based on objective criteria and cultural fit.

Talent Management

AI tools can prove to be a great way to monitor workplace interactions and feedback and can pinpoint potential areas where bias or discrimination can sprout up. After monitoring and analyzing these data, a report can be submitted by AI to business leaders providing them with insights for creating a more inclusive environment.

The AI technology can be further used to facilitate mentorship and networking opportunities as it can help connect employees from different and diverse backgrounds based on the interests they share, and what career goals they have.

AI for All

People with disabilities often feel left out when it comes to performing certain kinds of jobs. But AI can prove to be a game-changer for accessibility and inclusion. Several AI tools can help translate sign language in real time, generate audio descriptions for visual content, personalize learning experiences for neurodivergent individuals, etc.

By eliminating this barrier and creating equal access to information and opportunities, AI technology helps everyone participate and contribute their unique talents.

Ethical Imperatives of AI

While business leaders can feel tempted to use AI technology to enhance their organization’s diversity and inclusion, they must also understand AI systems themselves can be biased as it all depends upon the data they have been trained on. This gives rise to the need for responsible development and deployment of AI systems which can include:

  • Building AI systems with diverse teams to ensure a wider range of perspectives is included
  • Ensuring transparency on how AI algorithms work
  • The system should complement and not replace human decisions.


These are some ways in which AI technology can foster diversity and inclusion. Also, this is just the start of the journey. As time progresses, we can expect to see even more innovative measures that can further accelerate progress towards a truly diverse and inclusive future.

By earning AI leadership certifications, professionals can master the skill to efficiently leverage AI and enhance an organization’s diversity and inclusion.